(55 minutes)
Premiere: June 2, 2017
ODC - San Francisco, CA
Available for Touring

San Francisco Chronicle
LA Dance Chronicle

Platform, commissioned by ODC Theater, is a duet choreographed and performed by Liane Burns and Charles Slender-White. Platform is set to and inspired by Holly Herndon’s 2015 album of the same name, and investigates the relationships between people, the digital spaces they occupy, and the attendant homogeneity that arises from their echo-chamber-creating algorithms. Platform received significant support from the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Derida Dance Center, Movement Research, the Trust for Mutual Understanding, and CounterPulse.

Versions of Platform have been performed at:

LEVYdance (San Francisco, 2016)
CounterPulse (San Francisco, 2016)
LEVYdance (San Francisco, 2017)
Derida Dance Center (Bulgaria, 2017)
Magacin (Serbia, 2017)
ODC (San Francisco, 2017)
LA Theatre Center (Los Angeles, 2017)
Base Arts Space (Seattle, 2017)
Joe Goode Annex (San Francisco, 2018 & 2019)
Zagreb Dance Center (Croatia, 2018)

Choreography & Performance

Liane Burns & Charles Slender-White

Holly Herndon

Lighting Design
Delayne Medoff & Darl Andrew Packard

Monique Jenkinson

Keriann Egeland

Cara Rose DeFabio

Creative Advisors
James Fleming & Maurya Kerr

Images by Robbie Sweeny